Dog Training for Pandemic Pups

train your dog

Dog Training for Pandemic Pups

Due to factors like loneliness, isolation, and increased free time at home, many Americans have decided to take leaps of faith and become dog parents during the pandemic. For some, it was a decision brought about by the circumstances; for others who had been on the fence about owning a dog for a long time, the pandemic may have been the tipping point.

Regardless, these pandemic pups have been happily welcomed into their households and made an integral part of their owners’ routine. According to a report from Spectrum News 13, this trend has led to a drastic increase in the demand for dog training services.

Pandemic Pups: 3 Things You Shouldn’t Give Up On

In cities like Orlando, FL, the market for dog trainers has been busy. Much of the activity is driven by dog parents who got their pets during the quarantine. These owners often come to dog training centers feeling anxious about how to socialize their dogs, how to potty train them and how to keep them entertained and mentally stimulated.

Amidst the many things they’re already responsible for, dog owners may feel especially stressed about the growing pains in their lives with their pandemic pups. That may account for the jitters while waiting for an appointment to free up at the nearest dog training center.

Dog parents and other members of the dog lovers’ community, including pet businesses, may be watching this situation unfold with some apprehension. But there are three things pet parents shouldn’t give up on:

The dog training industry is slowly, but surely normalizing. Cognizant of the demand, many dog training centers have started hiring new staff and opening new locations. Since they’ll be working with a whole new generation of dogs, they see these expansions as worthy investments. It may be hard to consult with someone for dog training services right now, but that may no longer be the case soon.

That fellow dog enthusiasts and dog parents always have each other’s backs. In the meantime, new dog parents can chronicle their dog adventures and ask other dog enthusiasts for help. There’s the option to do safe meetups in person or interact online in social media groups, for example. Dog parents can give each other some perspective on the training challenges everyone faces, and how to overcome these challenges little by little.

That dogs and their owners will eventually grow into each other and have a happy and meaningful life. Just like human relationships, a dog parent’s relationship takes work and a lot of love. That work needs to be done regardless of how soon the owner can see a professional trainer. In the months that a dog and their owner are still getting to know each other, figuring out each other’s personalities, and falling into a daily routine together, the latter has to be patient and optimistic. But with a good attitude and a willingness to work through the growing pains, training and other aspects of dog ownership will be well worth it.

If you’re part of a pet business, encourage your customers who’ve recently become dog owners. Congratulate them on this milestone in their life, and wish for their dog training experiences to go as smoothly as possible.

You can contribute to such experiences with your own line of quality pet products like custom martingale collars, customizable dog leashes, and other pet merchandise. Contact PrideBites to get started, and check the PrideBites blog for more essential news on life with pets!