7 Ways to Keep Your Dogs Safe This Halloween

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7 Ways to Keep Your Dogs Safe This Halloween

The spookiest time of the year is fast approaching! Halloween may be a beloved holiday for children and adults but, it can be an incredibly stressful time for your dogs. Even the most well-trained furry companions can be easily confused or startled by people in costume and crowds out on the street.

Indoors, the constant ringing of the doorbell can be enough to make them skittish. To help keep your pets safe this Halloween, we’ve compiled a list of practical tips that you can follow. Check them out below:

Make Safety A Priority When Trick-or-Treating

Trick-or-treating with pets in tow can be quite the challenge. The sidewalks will be more crowded and the festivities can send your fur babies into sensory overload. If you’re absolutely set on the activity, though, it’s best to take a few precautions.

You’ll want to keep your dogs on short leashes, as they not only offer better security but also give you precise control over their movements. If you’re going trick-or-treating after sundown, consider using leashes equipped with reflective materials that will make your pups easier to see in the dark. You’ll also want to pair these leashes with step-in harnesses or martingale collars.

Keep An Eye On The Door

Even if you decide to stay indoors on Halloween, the constant coming and going of strangers to your door can be anxiety-inducing for your pets. In some cases, this distress can cause them to bolt through an open door or bite and scratch your guests.

Besides keeping your fur babies away from the front door during peak trick or treating hours, make sure their identification tags are updated with your name and contact information. This will make it easy for others to contact you in case your pups do manage to venture away from the house.

Stash The Sweets

Keeping sweets away from your canine companions is by far the most important safety tip. Certain ingredients commonly found in Halloween treats are toxic to dogs, including chocolate, xylitol, raisins and macadamia nuts, to name a few. These ingredients can induce stomach upset or vomiting in your fur babies, even in small amounts. To keep them out of reach, store them in a locked cabinet or a covered pet-proof box.

Use Pet-Safe Décor

Halloween is a great time to deck your home out in the spookiest decorations. However, it’s always a good idea to keep your pets’ safety in mind before putting any up.

Traditional jack-o-lanterns may not be the best choice if your pups are curious or energetic, as they may singe themselves or knock these over and cause a fire. Use LED candles instead. Any electrical cords and fog machines should also be kept well out of reach of your furry friends.

Choose A Comfortable Costume For Your Pets

Experts agree you should only put your pets in costume if you’re sure they love it. Otherwise, forcing them to dress up will only stress them out. When choosing costumes for your pups, go with options that don’t restrict their sight and movement or constrict their head and neck area. You’ll also want to steer clear of costumes that have any small, dangling pieces that can be easily chewed off and cause your fur babies to choke.

Choose a Comfortable Costume for Your Pets

Experts agree that you should only put your pets in costume if you’re sure that they love it. Otherwise, forcing them to dress up will only stress them out. When choosing costumes for your pups, go with options that don’t restrict their sight and movement or constrict their head and neck area. You’ll also want to steer clear of costumes that have any small, dangling pieces that can be easily chewed off and cause your fur babies to choke.

Brief Your Family Members

Everyone in your family must be made aware that the holidays can cause additional stress for your furred companions. This way, they can keep an eye out for your pets at all times, and you can meet your pets’ changing needs as soon as they arise.  

It’s natural for your dogs to start acting up in unfamiliar situations. Should this happen, simply move them to a quieter area of the house with familiar items such as their favorite chew toys or blanket. This way, you can keep the Halloween fun going without compromising the safety of your pets and other people.