9 Essentials for Camping with Your Dog

9 Essentials for Camping with Your Dog

Got a camping trip coming up soon in your dream campground or national park location? There’s no doubt that it will be a trip to remember if your canine buddy comes along. Nothing can compare to the joy of sharing life’s adventures with your pup in the heart of nature and having fun together while exploring the great outdoors.


But letting your dog accompany you in your outdoor excursion means looking after their safety and accommodating their needs as well as yours. If you aren’t sufficiently prepared, neither you nor your four-legged friend will enjoy your camping experience.


Part of your prep work includes packing the right items for your dog in consideration of the weather, their diet, and the kinds of activities you expect to do. Let’s take a look at nine essentials that you’ll need to take with you:


Appropriate Dog Apparel for Camping


Whether you’re camping in the mountains or the woods, you have to make sure that your canine buddy is wearing the right apparel to protect them from the elements. Avoid exposing your pup to extremes in the outdoor climate for long periods to lessen their risk of getting sick. It’s the smart thing to do to bring appropriate dog camping apparel like jackets, sweaters, and customizable canine caps to ensure that your fur baby won’t be too distressed by the rain, sun, and strong winds.


It’s also a good idea to get a set of waterproof dog boots to protect your dog from various terrain. This will allow them to run on trails and swim in a lake to their heart’s content without injuring their paws.


A Dog Bed and Blankets


There’s no question that a good-quality tent will give you and your dog excellent shelter outdoors. However, sleeping in one can be uncomfortable if you don’t have any sleeping accessories. Aside from your own sleeping accessories, like a sleeping bag and sleeping mat, you should also bring a dog bed and dog blanket for your pooch. Create a spot inside your tent where they can relax and sleep in comfort, even while away from home.


Collapsible Travel Food and Water Bowls


Though it’s an option to bring your dog’s food and water bowl to the campsite, it’s better to use collapsible travel bowls for dogs instead. The bowls’ portable design makes them easier to carry around and set up, thus allowing your dog to hydrate and eat with ease even when you’re out hiking on a trail.


The Right Leash and Harness


If you aren’t comfortable letting your dog explore their surroundings without a leash, it’s a good idea to invest in the right accessories for dog walks. Getting a leash and harness that are specifically designed for camping and hiking is crucial because they’re made to be more durable than their generic counterparts. They’re also designed to remain comfortable even after long hours of use.


Camping-friendly leashes are typically long, lightweight, waterproof, and crafted from sturdy materials like steel wire cables. You can also expect them to come in softer materials like vinyl to give you better control and comfort when you’re walking your dog.


Dog camping harnesses may be a bit expensive, but they’re designed for durability and come with extra features that will make outdoor exploration safer and more fun for your pup. Such products typically include breathable harness fabric, soft padding, additional clips and rings for leashes, and easy adjustability. Some even come with reflective trims and saddlebags. If you anticipate going camping with your dog quite often, these will be worth the investment.


Dog Toys


Even when you’re not on the go, it’s still good to find ways to keep your dog occupied on the campsite. This ensures that your pup won’t get bored and take out their frustration on your camping gear.


When you have their toys around, your canine buddy will have something to chew, chase, and keep their attention while you rest. The toys will also curb your dog’s impulses towards destructive behavior, which can be inconvenient or even dangerous while you’re out camping.


Enough Food, Water, and Treats


When stocking up on camping supplies, don’t forget to include your pup’s needs on your shopping list. Make sure that they have more than enough food and water to cover them for the entire trip. You should also bring a bag of their favorite treats so that they can have something to snack on during hikes or leisurely hours spent on the campground.


A Collar with ID Tag and Tracker


Allowing your dog to explore the great outdoors with you is a great way for you to experience new things together and strengthen the bond you share. But putting your dog in an unfamiliar and sometimes unpredictable environment also puts them at a higher risk of getting lost.


Even if you know that you’ll keep a close eye on your pup, play it safe by attaching an ID tag to their collar. On the off-chance that your four-legged buddy does get lost, other campers will have a way to contact you if your dog is found. Do consider investing in an ID tag as well as a tracking device for your dog to give you both that extra layer of protection and safety.


A Poop Bag Carrier and Bags


Picking up after your dog is the responsible thing to do as a dog owner and camper. You wouldn’t want to contaminate your campsite by leaving your pup’s business everywhere. That’s why it’s important for you to bring enough poop bags for your dog’s waste. You can place them inside a poop bag carrier so that it’s not hard to dispose of dog poop properly.


First Aid Kit


A pet first aid kit is a must-have when you plan to go camping with your pup. Your dog might get themselves into an unpleasant scenario while exploring their surroundings, which means that it’s crucial for you to have medical supplies for them. Bring bandages, ointments, adhesive tape, and hydrogen peroxide to handle minor injuries as well as any medications they may already be taking for a health condition.



Camping with your dog is a rewarding experience, and with the right preparation, it can be a breeze. Whether it’s your first time taking your pup camping or you’ve already become something of a dog camping enthusiast, make sure to bring the essential pet camping items listed above.


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