What to Do to Help Your Pet Adjust to Your New House

What to Do to Help Your Pet Adjust to Your New House

Dogs thrive in being in a familiar environment and having a set routine. When they lose this familiarity, they can get anxious. That’s why moving to a new house can be challenging for both the animal and their owner. Whether you’re moving to a different state or just across town, it can be tough on your furry friend. It might take days or weeks for your dog to get settled in, depending on how much adjusting they may need to do. Remember, your pup needs to get used to the new space before they can recognize it as their new home. If there are changes in their routine or new members of the household, these factors account for how long your pet adjusts, too.

Given the many different changes that come with moving, your dog might not be able to adjust right away. If you want to help your pet feel more at ease in their new home, consider doing the following:

Show Your Pet Around the New Space

When you and your pet arrive at the new house, take the time to show them around. You can use a customizable martingale collar attached to a leash to lead your dog through the various rooms of the house. Explore your new home together while speaking to your dog in a happy tone and offering them some treats to make the experience a positive one.

Accompanying your pet while they sniff around the new house also allows you to encourage good behavior and deter undesirable ones. For example, young pups may chew things as they explore, while other dogs may urinate on certain spots as a way to mark their territory. If you’re with your pet, you can quickly correct such behavior and reinforce their house training.

Set Up a Comfortable Spot for Your Pet

Before you show your dog around the new house, it’s a good idea to set up the spot where you want your pet to stay. Make sure the space is comfortable so your dog can retreat to it if they feel overwhelmed by the new environment. You can put their dog bed, food and water bowls, and toys there. It will help your dog understand where they can access these things when they need them.

Also, you may want to restrict your dog’s access to their designated area while you unpack. It will keep them safe from items that may be harmful to them, such as cleaning products and sharp objects.

Use Your Pet’s Old Belongings

It can be tempting to buy all new pet supplies for your new place as a way of giving them a fresh start in the new house. However, it can have the opposite effect and stress them out. Instead, bring your pet’s old belongings to your new home and let them continue using those items, at least for the first few weeks. Doing so provides a sense of familiarity and comfort for your pet. Their pet blanket, plush toys, and other familiar objects are things they associate with home.

If some of their belongings are badly damaged and have the potential to be harmful, replace them as soon as possible. Though they might have a scent that your dog will consider comforting, they also pose a safety hazard. Carefully check all your pup’s belongings before bringing them into your new home to ensure that they won’t be a danger to your pet.

Stick to Your Old Routine

Even if you’re moving to a new house, your dog’s routine shouldn’t change too much. It’s better if you maintain the same schedule as much as possible. This means feeding, walking, and playing with your dog at the same time as before. It will keep your pet from feeling overwhelmed in a new location. Also, having a predictable routine can help your dog get settled into your new house faster.

Supervise New Introductions

When introducing your pet to new members of the household, supervise the interactions and keep your dog on a leash. This way, it will be easier to manage your pet and ensure they behave in a socially acceptable manner. Supervising the introductions also allows you to show the new member the proper way of handling your pet and use positive reinforcement as the best training tool.

Additionally, you want to make the initial interactions positive for your pet. As such, encourage the new members of your household to engage your dog by playing together, taking walks, and offering their favorite treats.

Spend More Time with Your Pet in the New Home

In the first few days after you’ve moved in, try to stay with your pet in your new house as much as possible. Leaving your dog alone soon after the move can make them feel lonely and anxious as they have yet to adapt to the new environment. If you need to leave them for just a couple of hours, plan your trips for when your pet is resting or playing with their toys. Being preoccupied with these activities can keep them from noticing the solitude. Then, gradually increase the time you stay out until your furry friend is more used to being left behind in the new house.


When moving to a new house, you need to consider the changes your pet will experience, including their routine, the new space, and the new people in the household. All of these might be a lot for your pet to take in during the first few days or weeks. But with your help and patience, it won’t be long until the new space feels like home to your furry pal.

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