The First-Time Pet Parent's Guide To Caring For A Puppy

train your dog

The First-Time Pet Parent's Guide To Caring For A Puppy

Bringing a new dog home is something that’s bound to make anyone feel a mix of emotions. It’s an incredibly exciting time, of course, but it can be a little daunting. This is especially true for those bringing a fur baby home for the first time and are new to the world of having an adorable canine companion. Fortunately, taking care of a puppy isn’t hard at all.

Here’s our guide:

Set Up a Sleeping Spot

One of the most important things you should do is to set up a specific space for your puppy to sleep. For most new pet parents, putting together a dog crate for their baby is a good start. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, though you can always buy your dog a stuffed bed if you want to.

Any confined space with a soft blanket to lay on will do just fine. It will give your pup a sense of comfort and pave the way for crate training in the future.

Stock Up on the Right Food

Another thing you should also have ready before you bring your new pup home is an adequate supply of the right kind of food. That’s right—puppy food is actually different from the type given to adults and senior dogs. So make sure you know the difference and have a decent amount of it on hand before the puppy arrives.

If you’re not sure what kind to get, ask your veterinarian for recommendations. This is also a good time to ask how frequently you should feed your new pup to prevent them from becoming under- or overweight.

Find a Vet You Trust

The veterinarian’s clinic is one of the first places you’ll bring your new dog to. Broadly speaking, a great vet will look after your pup’s health. They’ll also guide you through some of the most common challenges you might experience with your new companion.

Take the time to find a vet who’s an excellent resource you can call on in times of trouble. Treat them with respect and endeavor to be as open with them as possible. Don’t be discouraged if it takes a few tries to find the right one. Once you do, both you and your pup will be much happier for it.

Settle Down into a Routine

Change can be as stressful to puppies as it is to people. To get around this, it’s a good idea to set daily routines, as knowing what to expect is as calming for humans as it is for pets. If you already live by a set schedule, it shouldn’t be hard to integrate caring for your little one into it. If you don’t, perhaps now would be a good time to start.

Fortunately, it isn’t hard to create small routines. Just timing their meals around yours can go a long way towards providing some structure to your pet’s day. The more regular the routine is, the faster they’ll be able to adjust to living with you.

Start Training Early

Like routines, dog training provides your pup with a sense of structure. It also keeps them mentally stimulated, reduces anxiety and minimizes stress-related behaviors. You and your pet will both benefit from it in the long run, so it’s a good idea to start training while they’re still young and haven’t yet developed bad habits. The best part is that teaching your pup to react to basic voice commands only takes a few minutes each day.

It’s natural to feel a bit anxious as a first-time pet parent, but don’t worry. If you prepare for his or her arrival, you’re going to be just fine. Relax and enjoy getting to know your new furry friend!