How To Market To Pet Parents On Walk Your Dog Day

Marketing Tip

How To Market To Pet Parents On Walk Your Dog Day

Did you know that February 22 is "National Walk Your Dog Day"? Chances are the pet parents who use your products or services and who have dogs know! Holidays -- major ones or pet-centric ones are a great way to reach a new pet-loving community. 

The tips below should get you and your marketing team planning for other upcoming holidays, your company anniversary or to announce the launch of a new company product. 

You may be wondering, how can my (fill in the blank): Brewery, a shoe company, online dating site, car company, sub shop or restaurant, or any other business use Walk Your Dog Day to reach new customers. It's not as difficult as you may imagine. 

Market To Pet Parents On Walk Your Dog Day

These strategies can be modified to suit your particular business type. The pet parents with whom you work, or those pet parents with whom you have been trying to connect, will appreciate your knowledge of the holiday and your efforts to participate. 

Host an on-site event. If you have a pet-friendly or pet-welcoming business, this should be easy. If your business doesn't lend itself to having dogs on site, consider going to a local park or to renting out a pet-friendly setting. Host a meet and greet. Have a "contest" for the "best dog to walk on a leash" "the biggest/smallest dog on a leash," etc. Have fun with the contests. Consider giving everyone who attends with his or her dog a going-away prize like a branded dog toy. Because you're celebrating Walk Your Dog Day, why not give away leashes or collars. 

Have a sale on leashes, harnesses, collars or other items used on walks. When a pet parent takes his or her dog for a walk they need the collar and leash, but they also need poop bags, collapsible water bowls and toys for that game of fetch! Run a BOGO sale on pet merch you've had customized with your company logo. This is a great way to keep your business name in front of the customer (and in the dog's mouth!) 

Sponsor an adoption event or partner with your local shelter. You can then invest in branded pet merch to sell and let patrons know the proceeds benefit the local shelter. It's a great fundraising event for the shelter, and a great way to let pet parents know you support pet-centric events. Low price point items like doggie bandanas or collapsible water bowls with your company's logo on them are ideal sales items. 

Online merchants can add a "free gift" into every box they ship. Say, for example, you are a shoe company -- why not add a free gift of a doggie bandana, water bowl, leash or another piece of pet merch that features your logo. You can share your company's pet story on your website and keep your brand front-of-mind by giving the pet parent a valuable gift for his or her dog. 

Get your pet item into a basket or raffle giveaway. Many local organizations seek donations from businesses when they have basket or raffle giveaways. Consider putting together a basket or donating branded pet merch items into the basket or raffle. Adding branded, uniquely customized pet items to the basket has the potential to get your name and your brand in front of a potential new audience. 

Yes, you may have missed out on celebrating National Walk Your Dog Day in 2020 BUT you have not missed the opportunity to grab our LEAP YEAR sales pricing on pet merch. The sale ends on LEAP DAY (Feb. 29, 2020) so reach out for a free design consultation today. 

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