9 Important Petiquette Rules to Observe at Restaurants and Cafés

9 Important Petiquette Rules to Observe at Restaurants and Cafés

Until fairly recently, you’d have to be rich, eccentric, or both to get away with enjoying a café or restaurant with your furry friend. These days, however, it’s almost expected that every other establishment will have some kind of pet policy to cater to the rising number of pet owners who bring their dogs and other non-human companions along with them.

This wider societal change hasn’t come without debate. Proponents of pet-friendly policies argue that these spaces create a sense of community and allow pet owners to enrich the lives of their beloved companions, who studies say probably need more enrichment than previously thought. On the other hand, critics tend to point to health concerns and the discomfort that some patrons may feel in the presence of animals.

Still, as more establishments open their doors to pets, both pet owners and the general public alike need to understand the “petiquette” that applies in different situations. It will probably be a long time before there’s a truly universal agreement on pets in dining establishments, but these key petiquette rules should allow you to keep the peace between you, your pet, and the other customers present:

1) Call Ahead to Confirm the Establishment’s Pet Policy

The “pet-friendly” label is quite a lucrative one, so a lot of establishments may claim to be that without really being hospitable to your pet in particular. There may be rules on what species or breeds of pets are allowed, and restrictions on which dining areas they will be allowed in. Calling the establishment ahead ensures that you won’t face disappointment or inconvenience upon arrival.

2) Never Allow Your Pet to Roam Freely

Even if the establishment’s pet policy says nothing about it, your pet must always be leashed or kept in a secure container. You’ll also always want a means of identification, like martingale collars and tags, on your pet at all times. These steps will keep your pet from wandering or causing problems, ensuring their safety and also keeping them out of the way of other patrons.

3) Only Bring Well-Behaved Pets

The most well-trained pets may still panic at the strange stimuli they’ll experience outside your home. Proper socialization is a must before you even consider bringing your pet to a café or restaurant. If your dog barks excessively or shows signs of aggression, for example, you’ll need to address these issues before taking them anywhere in public.

4) Clean Up After Your Pet

Housebroken pets can also still have accidents, so you’ll need to be fully prepared with waste bags and paper towels. If something does happen, you should clean it up immediately and thoroughly, not forgetting to inform the staff as it happens. Leaving a mess behind is not only inconsiderate, but can also negatively affect the establishment’s pet-friendly policy.

5) Don’t Let Your Pet Sit on the Furniture

While you may allow your pet to sit on chairs or tables at home, it’s considered inappropriate in any public dining setting. As much as possible, your pet must stay on the ground or on your lap if they are small enough. If you have a small pet in a carrier and you want them closer to you, you can ask the staff if it’s fine to put the carrier on a chair. The table should never be considered, since even other pet owners might feel uncomfortable with it.

6) Feed Your Pet Before Arriving

If your pet likes to beg for food, consider feeding them just before you go to the establishment. Also, even though many establishments offer pet-friendly treats, you shouldn’t feed them any human food since these may contain ingredients that could be harmful to them.

7) Be Considerate of the Staff and Diners

Not everyone is comfortable around strange animals—even other pet owners. Always keep your pet close to you, and never let them approach other tables unless invited.

8) Watch for Signs of Stress

Bustling dining environments can be full of strange smells and sounds that could make your pet uncomfortable. If your pet whines, hyperventilates, or seems unable to relax, it might be best to leave and allow them to unwind in a more familiar environment.

9) Tip Generously!

Tipping culture is a whole different can of worms, but most reasonable people would agree that accommodating pets takes extra effort and merits a good tip. A generous tip will acknowledge the trouble the staff had to go through and may also encourage the establishment to continue or, perhaps, expand their pet-friendly policies.

Petiquette Keeps Doors Open 

The occasional adventure to your favorite café or resto with your pet can be an enriching experience for them and a delightfully memorable one for you. However, restaurants and cafés are public spaces, which means that you must do your best to be considerate to the staff and other diners. 

These petiquette pointers will provide you with a good starting point, but it’s up to you to read the room and exercise good judgment. Stay empathetic to the needs of others, and you can help ensure that pet-friendly restaurants and cafés remain available in your community.

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