Building a Puppy Starter Kit: 6 Essential Items You Need for Your New Pup

Building a Puppy Starter Kit: 6 Essential Items You Need for Your New Pup

Building a Puppy Starter Kit: 6 Essential Items You Need for Your New Pup

Welcoming a new puppy into your home can be a very exciting time for you and your family. This adorable creature can fill your home with loads more fun and love. However, it can also be very challenging if you’re a new dog owner. Anticipating the needs of your new pet is difficult when you don’t have any previous experience with being a dog owner. 

Building a puppy starter kit will help your new puppy adjust to their new home. This kit includes the essential items you’ll need for your new pup to stay happy and healthy under your care. Follow this guide to help you put together everything you need to get ready for your pet’s arrival.

Food and Water Bowls

One of the top items in your puppy starter kit is pet bowls. These dishes ensure that your pet has a proper container to feed from. Prepare at least two bowls so that there is a dedicated container each for food and water. Having two separate dishes makes clean, fresh drinking water available at all times, even while the other bowl is filled with food. You may set the bowls next to each other during mealtimes to make them easily accessible to your dog.

When choosing food and water bowls, simple stainless steel bowls are safe and durable options. But if you want something fancier, customizable laser-etched dog bowls are a great choice, too. These are made from durable stainless steel and feature rubber pads on the bottom, so it’ll be harder for your playful pet to accidentally flip the bowl over.  

Puppy Food

Young pups need proper nutrition to grow into healthy adult canines. The best way to ensure this is to give them the best pet food. Ideally, you should give your new pup the same brand of dog food as they were fed at the breeder’s to prevent an upset stomach. If this isn’t possible, it’s a good idea to take your new pup to the veterinarian and ask them for the best food options for your new pet. The veterinarian can also recommend an appropriate feeding time and serving amount for you to follow so that it matches your pup’s dietary needs. 

Pet Treats

Apart from nutritious dog food, it’s also important to stock up on some tasty dog treats. Occasionally giving your new pet treats helps build your bond with them. It can also help reinforce positive behaviors during command training. 

Don’t be overzealous when giving your dog treats. While they’re perfect rewards, treats shouldn’t make up more than 10 percent of your pet’s overall diet. Otherwise, loading your pup with treats can contribute to dog obesity, which can lead to canine health problems like joint disease and diabetes.

Pet Crate

When you bring home a new pup, give them their own space they can stay in. A crate is a good example, as it provides a safe place for your dog to retreat to. Also, the enclosed space provides your dog a secure spot that they can feel calm in while getting used to the new environment or during terrifying situations like thunderstorms. 

Collar, Leash, and ID Tag

Before you can walk your new pet, you must get them the proper walking gear. This includes a collar, a leash, and their identification tag. A sturdy collar and leash allow you to manage your dog when you’re out and about with them. They’re also perfect training tools, as you can pull on the leash to send messages to your pup on how you expect them to behave. 

In addition to the collar and leash, you must immediately get your new pet an identification tag to attach to their collar. The ID tag must bear your pet’s name, your name, and your contact information so you can be contacted if your pup ever gets lost. Many cities in the United States require pets to have a collar with ID when out in public. If you want to stay compliant with local pet laws, add a custom pet ID tag to your puppy starter kit. 

Pet Toys

When building a puppy starter kit, remember to put pet toys on the list. Giving your dog appropriate toys helps them distinguish between items that they can play with and things they should not touch. For example, different textured toys keep their jaws occupied when they’re teething. The chew toy can also prevent your dog from gnawing on your furniture or other household items when they’re bored or anxious. In addition to appropriate chew toys, consider getting your dog a soft plush toy they can snuggle with. You can also look for plush toys with comforting features like a heating pad if your pup gets lonely and needs warmth to comfort them. 

Having a puppy starter kit filled with these essential items can be very helpful, especially if you’re a first-time dog owner. You can also use this list when building a kit for loved ones who are preparing to become new pet owners. This way, any new puppies can be welcomed to their new home with all the essentials they need to be safe, happy, and healthy.

Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash