How to Choose Safe Dog Toys for Your Pup to Play With

How to Choose Safe Dog Toys for Your Pup to Play With

Selecting appropriate toys for your pet dog is not just about providing them with entertainment and fun. It also demonstrates responsible pet ownership. Your choice of toys can impact your pet dog’s well-being, safety, and overall happiness. The right pet toys can help keep your dog physically and mentally engaged. On the contrary, neglecting to give careful thought to your choice of toys can lead to various unwanted consequences, like choking hazards and other potential health risks.

It’s important, then, to follow a sensible set of guidelines when picking toys for your canine companion. Here are PrideBites’ recommendations for things you should do to ensure that your dog only gets to play with fun, engaging, and safe toys:  

Consider Your Dog's Size and Strength

The first thing you should think about when considering a dog toy is not the toy design itself, but what’s appropriate for your pet. There are plenty of pet toys in the market, from custom plush toys to mass-produced chew toys, so you have a lot of options. To narrow down your selection to the best ones for your dog, base it on your dog’s size and strength.

If you have a large and strong dog, for instance, then you’ll need toys that are big and durable enough to withstand their chewing power. Toys that are too small or easily break apart can pose a choking hazard for these dogs. If you’re working with smaller dog breeds, on the other hand, toys that are easier to grip and carry should be your primary options.

When shopping for a pet toy, keep in mind your dog’s size, strength, and play style, and pay attention to the recommended size guidelines provided by the toy manufacturer. It would be a good idea to ask fellow dog parents whose pooches are the same breed as your dog, or roughly the same size as your dog, for their recommendations.

Opt for Pet Toys Made of Non-Toxic Materials

Dogs tend to engage with the world using their mouths, meaning that they are very likely to chew their toys when playing with them. It’s very important, then, to choose dog toys that are made of non-toxic materials. This way, even if the toy were to break apart and be ingested by your dog, it wouldn’t seriously compromise your dog’s health and well-being.

Toys made of materials like natural rubber, cotton, and nylon are often good options for pets. Aside from aiming to purchase toys made of these materials, you can also check out toys that are labeled as non-toxic.

If you want to be more certain about the veracity of the manufacturer’s claims regarding their pet toy’s components, do your research before shopping. This means checking out the manufacturer’s history, the details of the toy on the maker’s website, and the reviews of the pet product you’re hoping to buy.

Do note that even non-toxic toys made with safe materials can cause sensitivities to pets. It makes sense, then, to be mindful of your dog's specific needs and health issues. If your pet has known allergies, steer clear of toys that feature materials that can trigger unwanted reactions. 

Choose Toys That Match Your Dog's Play Style

Understanding your dog's play style is also essential when selecting toys. Some dogs are gentle chewers, while others are more aggressive and enjoy vigorous play. Think about how your dog interacts with toys and choose ones that match their play style.

For gentle chewers, softer plush toys or squeaky toys may be appropriate. For more active dogs, opt for toys that are durable and designed for interactive play, such as ropes, rubber balls, or puzzle toys. Selecting toys that align with your dog's play style will unlock for them a more enjoyable and engaging play experience.

Inspect Toys for Potential Hazards

Before giving a toy to your dog, thoroughly inspect it for potential hazards. Look for any loose parts, small pieces, or easily detachable components that could be choking hazards. Ensure that there are no sharp edges or rough surfaces that could injure your dog's mouth or gums. In addition, check for any squeakers, bells, or buttons that could easily be chewed off and swallowed.

Even after purchasing the toy and giving it to your dog, regularly examine the item for signs of wear and tear, and replace it if it becomes damaged. Keep in mind that no toy is completely indestructible and that inspecting your pet’s toys regularly is a key step in ensuring that the item is safe to use.


Following these practical guidelines when choosing toys for your dog will help you ensure their safety and promote their overall well-being during playtime. With the right toys on hand, you’ll be able to prioritize both fun and safety at the same time and unlock a variety of memorable play experiences with your canine companion.