Pet Ownership 101 Program Teaches Detroit Residents Proper Pet Care Free-of-Charge

Pet Ownership 101 Program Teaches Detroit Residents Proper Pet Care Free-of-Charge

Friends of Detroit Animal Care and Control (DACC) and Detroit Libraries have teamed up to launch Pet Ownership 101, a series of gatherings intended to teach Detroiters about proper pet care, CBS Detroit reports. The first of these sessions took place on Monday, August 21, 2023, at the Lincoln Detroit Public Library located on Seven Mile Road. Volunteers from the DACC spoke with attendees about the value of spaying, neutering, and microchipping pets. They also answered other relevant questions from the audience regarding pet care. All attendees received free pet food and treats following the event.

Pet Ownership 101 sessions are free and will feature other experts such as animal behaviorists, dog trainers, and veterinarians in the future. The next session at the Lincoln Detroit Public Library is set for 6:00 PM of September 18. Five more sessions are set to run through the rest of 2023 at the Edison Detroit Public Library—on August 30, September 27, October 25, November 29, and December 20.

According to Dana Eldred, DACC’s executive director, many Detroiters are unaware of the basic principles of pet care and of the availability of helpful services such as free pet food and low-cost vetting. Pet Ownership 101 was launched in order to bridge this gap and ensure that all Detroit pet owners can access the essential knowledge and resources they need.

The Importance of Licensing Your Pet

Licensing your pet is not just a legal requirement in most jurisdictions; it’s also one of the most reliable ways to ensure your pet’s safe recovery in the event that you ever get separated. Furthermore, licensing guarantees immediate veterinary care for your pet should an animal control professional find them ill or injured. It’s best to keep your pet’s license on them at all times by clipping it to a collar. Customizable dog collars or martingale collars are ideal for this purpose.

If you’re interested in learning more about pet care, animal welfare, and pet-related events around the United States, you’ll definitely want to bookmark the Barking Post Blog today. We’ll gladly be your trusty resource for the most up-to-date pet news!