How to Help Your Dog Get Used to Their New Bed

How to Help Your Dog Get Used to Their New Bed

While you might be used to having your dog sleep on the couch or even in your own bed at night, creating a dedicated sleeping spot for them can be immensely beneficial for both of you. To start with, you’ll each get plenty of your own space to rest in comfort, which can do wonders for your sleep quality.

Beyond that, there are plenty of other ways that the right bed can enhance your precious pup’s mental and physical wellbeing.’s custom dog beds can help regulate your dog’s temperature, support their joints, and even help reduce everyday levels of stress and anxiety.

However, as any dog owner knows, actually convincing your canine to switch from your cozy bed or the inviting couch to their own bed isn't always a walk in the (dog) park. It's a transition that can be challenging, as dogs are creatures of habit and often prefer the familiar comfort of their owner's scent and presence. But fear not; while this transition may be gradual and require some patience, it’s also entirely achievable. It's about finding the right approach and gently guiding your dog to be comfortable with their new sleeping arrangement.

In this article, PrideBites will walk you through some practical and compassionate tips for training your dog to sleep in their own bed. The following strategies should make the transition smoother and more enjoyable for both you and your dog:

1) Choose the Right Bed and Sleeping Spot

Before all else, you’ll need to invest in a dog bed that your furry friend will actually want to sleep in. This involves choosing a bed that doesn’t just match your home décor, but also caters to your dog’s specific needs at the moment.

Consider factors like your dog’s size, their sleeping style, and any health issues they might be dealing with, such as arthritis. Larger breeds might require beds with more cushioning to support their joints, while smaller breeds often prefer cozier, enclosed beds. The climate where you live is another crucial consideration to make, as your dog may appreciate a bed with warming or cooling features to help them get more comfortable.

Once you've chosen the perfect bed, the next step is placing it in the right spot. Dogs, much like humans, have specific preferences when it comes to sleeping locations. Some might enjoy a quiet corner where they can retreat and relax, while others prefer staying close to their human companions. Observe your dog's behavior to pick up on their preferred spots in the house. Placing the bed in an area where they already like to relax can make the transition easier.

2) Introduce the Bed Positively

When introducing your dog to their new bed, you’ll want to create a positive association with the space and make it one that they’ll look forward to spending time in. Start by placing some of their favorite toys or a piece of your clothing on the bed so that it carries a familiar scent.

You can also use treats to lure your dog onto the bed initially. Each time they go to the bed on their own, reward them with a treat and some praise. This positive reinforcement should help them understand that the bed is a good place to be.

It's also important to make the bed a part of your daily routine. Encourage your dog to use the bed during the day for naps and relaxation. If they choose to lie elsewhere, gently guide them back to their bed with a treat or their favorite toy.

Avoid using the bed as a punishment or a timeout space, as this could create negative associations for your dog. With consistent positive reinforcement, your dog should start seeing their bed as a special place just for them.

3) Establish Simple "Bed" Commands

If you’re already training your dog to understand and follow commands, this can come in handy when teaching them to use their bed. Start with a simple command like "go to bed" or "bedtime." When introducing this command, lead your dog to their bed, and when they get on it, reinforce the action with a treat and praise.

Consistency is key here. Use the same command every time you want your dog to go to their bed. Over time, your dog will associate this command with the action of going to their bed and doing so will become a natural response.

4) Stagger Your Training Sessions

Training your dog to use their bed isn't something that will happen overnight. It's a process that can take anywhere from a few days to a few months.

To avoid overwhelming your dog, break up your training. Start with short sessions that involve encouraging your dog to stay in their bed for a few minutes at a time. As your dog gets more comfortable with their bed, you can gradually increase the duration of each session.

It may also help to consider the timing of your training sessions. Choose times when your dog is naturally more inclined to rest or sleep, such as after a walk or meal. This can make the actual training process smoother, as your dog is already in a relaxed state.

As with any training, your dog will take to it better the more routine it is. Try to incorporate bed training into your daily schedule until your dog views it as a regular part of their life.

5) Be Patient with Your Dog

Just like humans, dogs have their own personalities and learning curves, and each dog will adapt to changes in their own time. Some dogs may take to their new bed like a duck to water, while others may need more time and encouragement to leave the comfort zone that was your bed or the sofa.

Try not to rush the process or show frustration if progress seems slow. Your dog can pick up on your emotions, and any negative feelings will make the training process more challenging for both of you.


As you teach your dog to accept their new bed, remember that, more than just convenience, this process is also about an opportunity to make your dog’s days happier and more comfortable. With patience, consistency, and a sprinkle of love, you should be able to succeed in this training endeavor and to allow your dog to get the rest they need in their own special spot.